Join a Sub Club

The RSL Fishing Club has been in existence for over 50 years. It has been proud to provide a recreational service to the members of the RSL Redlands and beyond. It is good to see that current club anglers include the children and grandchildren of past members.


Although there is a number of club competitions, the Club has a family focus and looks for opportunities to encourage juniors. There will always be a mix of younger anglers as well as crusty old salts who are expert fishers and are happy to mentor the younger or less experienced anglers.

We welcome active members who will participate in the fishing and social events and will assist with fundraising, working bees, etc. Anglers wishing to join the club must also be members of the Redlands RSL.


The club now has two Fishing comps, one midweek which competes twice monthly from Tuesday’s to Thursday’s and our new Monthly Photo comp running form the 1st of the month to end of month from January to November with varying species to the midweek comp.

Our fishing boundaries are restricted to smooth and partially smooth waters between Noosa River and the Tweed River. The western boundary is 150km from coast.

The Club may also host “Beach” and “Freshwater” trips separate from the scheduled fishing calendar.


The “Huts” is a facility on North Stradbroke Island which provides a base for fishing and crabbing as well as overnight accommodation for members. Apart from comfortable sleeping quarters, the “Huts” are equipped with a full-service kitchen, amenities block with a hot shower and eco-friendly toilet.

This facility is well used by our members and is a great place to relax and unwind.


General Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm in the Redlands RSL Meeting Room. Existing members should attend in order to keep abreast of club issues and prospective members are welcome as observers.

New members are always welcome.

2024 Measure-in Comp Calendar

2024 Weigh-in Calendar 

Click here to download an Application Form to join the Fishing Club.

Redlands RSL Fishing Club website


President – Neil Pyle: 0419 751 133
Secretary – TBA
Treasurer – Leon Joliffe: 0417 480 325


The Redlands RSL Golf Club has approximately 75 members and usually 45-50 people attend when we meet every Friday for 9 holes of golf playing at Howeston Golf Course, Birkdale. Our fixture list runs from February to the end of November each year. New members are always welcome and are required to submit three cards to obtain their handicap which will determine the grade they will play in, either A, B or C.

Our RSL Veterans play once a month on Wednesdays against the Wynnum Manly RSL Golf Club at Birkdale. Both sides enjoy the comradeship playing for an annual trophy, which is presented to the winning side at the end of the year luncheon.

There are various competitions throughout the year: Matchplay, Grade Championships and a couple of special trophy days, and we have 3 bus trips away playing 18 hole games at various courses around Brisbane.

There is also a social side to the club with a chance for members and their partners to get together for some fun and relaxation. These usually occur at the Redlands RSL Gallipoli Room. The year ends with our Annual Dinner in December when all the trophies are presented to the winning members.

The Annual General Meeting is held every January when the committee members are voted in for the year.

To be eligible to join the Golf Club you need to be a financial member of the Redlands RSL. Application forms are available at the Club’s reception and the cost of annual membership is $15.00.

Click here to view the 2024 Golf Club Schedule.



President:  Barry Hohenhaus   0402 797 395
Secretary:  Jeff Stephenson   0412 226 616
Captain:     Keith Roberts  3286 4482
Treasurer:  Brenda Roberts   3286 4482

The Redlands RSL Snooker & Billiards Club was formed by a few members over fifty years ago as a sub-club of the parent RSL Services Club (as it was known back then) and is the only snooker / billiards club in the Redlands region.

The Redlands RSL Snooker & Billiards Club is affiliated with the Queensland Billiards and Snooker Association (QBSA) and as such our members can compete in all QBSA organised competitions.

From our small beginning we have grown to have a present membership of over 60 players.


Membership of the Snooker & Billiards Club remains at $5.00 per year which spans from 1st January to 31st December.

Any member of the Redlands RSL Club is welcome to apply for membership of the Snooker & Billiards Club. To apply, complete a membership form (available from the RSL reception) and return to the Snooker & Billiards Club along with your $5 membership fee. Further payment detail is available on the membership form.

The three snooker tables are open to members 7 days a week for social games unless a competition is in progress.

For further information, phone President Belinda Dinga – 0409 811 687 or email


There are 4 different levels of competition at the Redlands RSL Snooker & Billiards Club. These are:

Social play

The Snooker tables are open to members 7 days a week for social games unless there is a competition on.)


GOLDEN OLDIES… Play every Wednesday from 10am to approximately 3pm

THURSDAY COMP… Play every Thursday from 10am to approximately 3pm.


QBSA Club League … played again other clubs in and around Brisbane. The QBSA runs both snooker and billiards seasons. Nights of play can be Monday-Wednesday depending on the grade.

Major Competitions

The Redlands Open Handicap Snooker Tournament (held over the Ekka long weekend each year)

Hosting of State Snooker and Billiards Tournaments for both junior (U12, U15, U18, U21) and open age players on behalf of the QBSA.



The Snooker & Billiards Club offers FREE snooker and billiards coaching clinics on selected Sunday mornings from 10am to 12noon for juniors under the age of 18 years.

Dates: Junior Coaching as per the Snooker & Billiards Club Calendar 



President: Belinda Dinga  |  0409 811 687

Vice President and Secretary:  Leigh Blackman

Treasurer: Paul Talbot