The Redlands Sub Branch of the Association hold their general meetings on the 1st Sunday of each month at 10.30am in the Gallipoli Room of the club. At our meetings, we usually have a guest speaker followed by departmental reports and in closing we have fellowship, finger food and refreshments.

The Branch usually has a social function each month which can include:

  • Outings to the city
  • Boat trips to the islands
  • Bus trips to the country and wineries
  • A day at the races
  • Attend reunions
  • Annual State Conference
  • Fundraising activities during the year include ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans Day as well as supporting the Legacy appeal
  • Attend ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans Day as well as the Reserve Forces Day March through the city of Brisbane each year

We also have a Welfare Officer which supports the needs of Servicemen and their families.

The NASHO ladies supporters join us at our meetings and each month the ladies have a luncheon at a different venue. If you are a National Serviceman and served between 1951 and 1972 come along and join in the mateship we all share.

There is also a NASHO News published each month to keep our members informed.

Contact: Eric Shaw, President on 0407 158 886 | E: