Our qualified Pension and Welfare Officers are available Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4pm to provide assistance to the Ex Service community of the Redlands and their dependants.


  • Assessment and assistance to understand your pension entitlements
  • Assistance and advice in the preparation of initial claims and lodgement with the Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Assistance and advice with the upgrade of an existing Pension
  • Assistance and advice with appeals against any Departmental decisions

Contact: Debbie Lake Ph. 34881155
Email: debbie.lake@redlandsrsl.com.au.



  • Initial point of contact for Welfare Matters
  • Assessment and assistance to understand the problem
  • Assist Veterans families with funeral arrangements (Poppy Service)
  • Advice on War Graves eligibility
  • Assistance with filling out Government Forms such as Carers Pension/Allowance
  • Assistance with arrangements for Home Care packages
  • Transport assistance
  • Golden Oldies Group (meet every 2nd Tuesday) for a chat, and usually a guest speaker. Morning tea provided. Transport available

Contact: Linda Harcourt 07 3488 1102  | 0417 604 729
Email: linda.harcourt@redlandsrsl.com.au