Veterans & Wellbeing Excursion – October 2024

Please click here to view a pdf of the flyer.
Bookings open after League Gathering on Sunday 25th August.
Please phone reception on 34881199 or see reception staff to make a booking with full payment.
Note: Available for Redlands RSL Service members and one partner/carer only. Other members may add their names to a wait list.


Australian Army Cadets – Brigade Newsletter

Please click here to view to new Brigade newsletter – The Cadet Courier


Health Wellbeing Update

Please click here to view a pdf providing a Health Wellbeing Update provided by DVA.
There are a range of programs available for anyone to access, including the Mental Health Literacy and Suicide Prevention Training Programs. This is important for members and families to be familiar with to help assist those showing behavioural signs of mental health.
Veterans Health Week is coming up in October with the theme this year being ‘Keeping Connected’. Social connection is one of the most important contributors to a person’s emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.


President’s Luncheon – Sunday 15th September 2024

When: Sunday, 15th September 2024 – 11.30am for 12 noon start.
Where: Gallipoli Room, Redlands RSL.
Tickets: $35pp for Service Members plus one partner or carer, War Widows, Legacy Ladies and Women’s Auxiliary. Price includes a 2-course alternate drop lunch, and entertainment from Laura Doolan.
Dress: Coats and Ties (no medals)
Pre-bookings with payment are essential at Redlands RSL reception, or phone 3488 1199 (on sale from Saturday 20th July).


Mains – served alternate drop

  • ‘Roaring Forties’ Tasmanian Lamb Rack – served medium with anchovy rosemary mint and pine nut crust on a redcurrant jus; with crispy fondant potatoes, green pea mash, and baby carrots.
  • Pan Seared Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon served on mashed potato with braised leeks, caramelised beetroot, and hollandaise sauce.

Dessert – served alternate drop

  • Sticky Date Pudding – served with cream, ice cream, and caramel sauce.
  • House-made Apple and Rhubarb Crumble – served with vanilla bean ice-cream.


Ukraine Report – By Nigel Allsopp